My sweet friend, Emily, tagged me in her blog to share 10 things that make me happy:
1. PHOTOGRAPHY. I could probably spend my day online finding photographers' websites and looking at picture after picture. I am also trying to learn a little more about this art so hopefully one day soon I can show off some stuff.
2. Being WARM. Climbing into bed on a cold night and curling up under the covers. Getting out of the pool on a summer day and feeling the sun warm up your skin. Walking out of the freezing cold and letting the heat of a warm building hit your face.
3. Getting to the LAST 100 pages of a book. I know I am close to the end and the excitement of seeing how the story is going to come together is too much for me to put the book down. So if I get to the last 100 pages, I'm probably going to finish no matter how late I have to stay up.
4. The SMELL of summer. Not the way too sticky, hot summer. The kind we had last year where the temperature didn't get over 100 and you just want to be outside all the time.
5. A new pair of JEANS that fit perfectly. I don't usually try on clothes in the store so when I get them home (or in the mail) and they fit, I might wear them for a few days straight.
6. CHEESE BISCUITS from Red Lobster. I am pretty sure I could go to Red Lobster and have a meal entirely of these biscuits and be in heaven.
7. My sweet dog, BELLA, hopping up and down like a kangaroo when I come home from work. She does this every day. Even though I usually go home for lunch so its only a couple of hours since she saw me last. I also love to watch her little nub of a tail wag back and forth as fast as a little nub can.
8. Being able to drive with the WINDOWS down. And turning up my radio really loud. Sometimes it just feels good.
9. STARS. I love to look up in the sky and see millions of them just twinkling their lives away. This either stems from or is the cause of the fact that I also love things that sparkle. If it were not so tacky to have a house filled with sparkly things, I might do it.
10. All the RED and PINK at Valentine's Day. Its really the only time of year when its okay for these colors to be together in such large quantities. Seeing them out there just makes me happy.
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