Sunday, January 31, 2010

Have you ever...

read a book and it took you forever to finish? I am sure the answer is yes. That's how it was with this last book I read. I could just not get into this book. I wanted to finish it because I didn't want to leave it unfinished. But ugh. I did not really enjoy it. Maybe in another time or place... I actually considered for a brief second, with about 20 pages left, putting the book down. I just knew it was going anywhere. Not only that I knew how it ended before I finished it due to the fact the author wrote from about 5 different perspectives and one of those started from the end and went to the beginning. I just kept holding out hope that, in the end, the author was going to throw me a bone. She was going to throw some surprise in the end and it was going to have been worth the read. Fail. This did not happen.

This isn't to say someone out there won't love this book. I just didn't. And as a result of me taking a week to read this book, I didn't read as many books as I would have liked to this month.

I also didn't get a chance to work on my photography class assignment this weekend. In the excitement of leaving work early on Friday I completely forgot the handout/assignment that was sitting on my desk at work. But my last class meets on Saturday this week instead of Thursday, so maybe I'll get the opportunity to make up for it in the extra days.

1 comment:

  1. time for you to do this little survey I tagged you in on my blog today!


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